Legal notice - General terms & conditions of use - Privacy policy & cookies
The site is produced by the company Barton & Guestier, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 11,266,065 euros, registered in the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Register under number 592 008 999 B, the registered office is located at Château Magnol, 87, rue du Dehez 33290 BLANQUEFORT, France (registered with the CNIL under number 1125216).
Publication director: Olivier MARC.
Multimedia design and production
The site was designed by Barton & Guestier and the Comquest agency - Frédéric Trouillet -
The site is hosted by OVH, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 5,000,000 euros, registered in the Roubaix - Tourcoing Trade and Companies Register, under number 424 761 419 00045, including the head office is located at 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
By exploring this Website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site"), you agree to be subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as "the Terms and the Conditions”) set out below. Barton & Guestier may from time to time revise these Terms and Conditions and it is your responsibility to review these Terms and Conditions each time you access the Site. Barton & Guestier maintains this Site for the personal use of persons legally authorized to consume alcoholic beverages, and in countries in which the consumption of alcoholic beverages is legal. You must leave this Site immediately if you do not accept the Terms and Conditions of Use, if you are under the legal age for the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the country in which you are located or if you are in a country where use of this Site is not permitted; Barton & Guestier cannot be held liable if these provisions are not observed.
Discharge of responibility
Barton & Guestier strives to ensure to the best of its ability, the accuracy and updating of all the information provided on this site and on any other site of its subsidiaries which is directly linked to it. Barton & Guestier reserves the right to correct the content of the website at any time and without prior notice.
However, Barton & Guesiter cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on this site.
Consequently, Barton & Guestier declines all responsibility and the responsibility of Barton & Guestier can under no circumstances be engaged:
Furthermore, Barton & Guestier does not guarantee that the server hosting this site is free of viruses or that a technical problem may arise which could damage the components of the user's computer or the data which may be stored there.
In any event Barton & Guestier or one of its subcontractors cannot be held liable for any damage that may occur when connecting to this site.
Confidentiality, Copyright, Trademarks and other Property Rights
The site and any software necessarily used in connection with it may contain confidential information and protected by all intellectual property rights in force or any other law or regulation.
Thus, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights on the documents contained on the site and each of the elements created for this site are the exclusive property of Barton & Guestier: no license, nor any right other than that of consulting the site. is conferred on anyone with regard to intellectual property rights.
Reproduction of site documents is authorized for the sole purpose of providing information for personal and private use; any reproduction or use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited.
Printing or downloading any material or information that is contained on this Site is subject to the following five conditions:
(i) the material or information is intended exclusively for personal, non-commercial use; (ii) no notice of the existence of copyright or any mention of property rights is removed from the material or information; (iii) the material or information is not modified in any way; (iv) you are in a country in which the consumption of alcoholic beverages is authorized; and (v) you are of legal age to be able to consume alcoholic beverages in the country where you are.
It is also prohibited to copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse the design or assembly or in any other way attempt to find the source code (except in cases provided by law), sell, assign, under - license or transfer in any way whatsoever any right relating to software.
Finally, it is also prohibited to modify the software or to use modified versions of the software and in particular (without this list being exhaustive) in order to obtain unauthorized access to the service and to access the site by another means. only through the interface provided to you for this purpose by Barton & Guestier.
Respect for privacy
The following engagement describes Barton & Guestier’s practices in collecting and using information for the site (hereinafter "the Site"), including the type of information collected and how to reuse it.
This site uses Google Analytics cookies. These cookies help us to identify the content that interests you the most as well as to identify certain malfunctions. Your navigation data on this site is sent to Google Inc. anonymously.
You can at any time choose whether or not to accept audience measurement cookies using the small "Cookies" block at the bottom right of each page of the site.
When you entrust us with personal information, it is only available from our employees in order to contact you by phone or send you emails in response to your requests. Barton & Guestier agrees never to share, sell or rent your personal information unless required to do so by law.
In accordance with French law (Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms), you have the right to oppose, access, rectify and delete data which you concern. You can exercise this right by writing to
Protection of personal data
In principle, you can circulate on our site without having to reveal personal information such as your name or address, telephone number or e-mail.
However, when you enter the Site, you will be asked to verify that your age corresponds to the legal age authorized for the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the country where you are located. We use this information to prevent minors and those whose country of residence prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages from accessing this Site.
In some parts of this Site, we may ask you to provide certain personal information so that we can provide you with the information you have requested, respond to your feedback online, or to allow you to participate in our surveys.
You may also be asked for certain demographic data (language, country of residence) in order to adapt the content of this site to your needs. You are not required to provide us with this personal information; please be aware that failing this we may not be able to respond to some of your requests.
If you do not want personal information collected on your account, simply do not respond to requests for information through the site.
We go to great lengths to ensure that the personal information you provide to us remains confidential.
We do not sell, rent or otherwise disclose this information to third parties unless expressly agreed with you, unless we are required to do so by law, competent authorities or to cooperate in legal proceedings.
We may share anonymous data with other companies we work with for market research.
In the event that we wish to transmit your personal information to other Barton & Guestier companies or to third-party structures that we consider likely to interest you, we will seek your agreement beforehand on this subject.
In the event of refusal or non-response from you, we will not transmit any personal data.
Data collected automatically
When you visit our site, the domain server automatically sends us your IP address as well as information such as the date and duration of your visit to our site or the IP addresses to which you have visited thanks to the links offered by our site. .
This information may be used to adapt the content of our site to your needs.
Like many companies, we may store information on your computer in the form of "cookies". Cookies make it possible to know in particular which sites you have visited before reaching our site or even which pages you have visited on our site.
In no case do these cookies collect personal information. You can delete these cookies from your hard drive, block them or request to receive a warning before they are stored on your hard drive.
No collection of information concerning minors
We remind you that this site is not intended for minors and people under the age required to consume alcoholic beverages in their country of residence. Consequently Barton & Guestier will not knowingly collect information on minors, whether they have been authorized by their legal representatives or not. If necessary Barton & Guestier will not provide this information to third parties.
Finally and in accordance with art. 34 of the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 we remind you that you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right, contact Barton & Guestier, 87 rue du Dehez, 33290 Blanquefort - France.
Unsolicited mail
Barton & Guestier does not send unsolicited mail or spam. You can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time by sending a letter to the following address with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in Subject.
References to a particular product or service do not imply that Barton & Guestier and its related companies intend to make these products or services available in all countries.
The site may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. Insofar as Barton & Guestier cannot control these external sites and sources, Barton & Guestier cannot be held responsible for the provision of these external sites and sources, and cannot bear any responsibility for the content, advertisements, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources.
In addition, Barton & Guestier cannot be held liable for any proven or alleged damage or loss resulting from or in connection with the use of or having trusted the content, goods or services available on these sites or external sources.
Barton & Guestier / Château Magnol
87 rue du Dehez - 33290 Blanquefort - FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)5 56 95 48 00Contact
Registration No°: 592 008 999 - Jurisdiction: France
Enjoy our wines responsibly
© 2020 - Barton & Guestier - All right reserved